Well after the roaring success of the first ever LONG JETTY STREET FESTIVAL in 2015, the locals have banded together once again today to hold the annual 2016 Street Festival.
We had our “Open Air Photobooth” all setup in the sunshine, in front of the amazing Long Jetty wall today. This piece of amazing hand painted street art, with it’s pop of colour & fun made for the perfect backdrop for our photographs.
The Photo Booth, once again, proved to be a giant hit!
We had a great day meeting festival goers, listening to the awesome bands, eating the amazing food & just soaking in all the happy vibes of the day.
Here are all the photos!!
Visit our Facebook page to view them all & if you see yourself or your friends please TAG & SHARE away!
-Leisa & Justin
*Here’s a snippet below of a few*